Register for the 2025 Ultimate Racing Championship


We are delighted to announce the entry book for the inaugural season of URC is open and drivers can now register for entry either in part or full.

It is anticipated that a number of drivers will be new to our club and therefore here is a short explanation of our process with a link to get started at the very bottom of this article:


  • Club Membership  £80  Mandatory for all members to join Motorsport UK’s ‘Club Time Attack’, the organising club running the Championship
  • Full season entry all 7 rounds £ 2870 inc VAT  (includes £350 registration fee).
  • Round by round point scoring entry £ 410 inc VAT
  • Round by round non point scoring* entry £ 450 inc VAT
  • *Optional registration fee to score points £350 inc VAT one off payment

VAT invoices will be provided for all transactions

Our entry fees process rewards full season entrants first, round by round entrants second. We do this as we are running a Championship to crown champions, not series of one off events and so we reward those who commit.

We have a two tiered approach to single round entrants when it comes to points to ensure only those serious and should get points to avoid disrupting someone else’s championship attack. We do this by insisting on the further registration fee payment to enable the point scoring feature. Likewise, if you only wish to do a round or two to sample things, you dont need to pay the registration fee to keep your costs down.

Payment Terms

Full terms of payments and refunds are within our regulations here and within the sign up page of our portal. We operate a late payment charity scheme for entrants which may differ from other clubs, please be sure to check it for dates and terms.

Driver Entry & Portal

Club Time Attack runs 4 championships including URC. All 4 are run under one driver portal system. Upon joining the Club via the Club Time Attack portal, you will then be able to make a profile and begin to select which championships and events you wish to enter, of course be sure to enter URC when prompted.

Everything is automated, all entries are processed online and by card payment seemlessly. The system may be different to that of other clubs but a few twists and turns aside you should find it very straight forward to use. Once signed up should you experience any difficulties please contact Debbie Steele in our accounts dept and she’ll be able to assist ( she works part time 11am-3pm weekdays).

Once registered and confirmed as a member you will be part of our club and can participate as you wish. We will also auto-enroll you into our e-mailing system as well as our WhatsApp Group for URC. Both are used to communicate directly and privately with members. You will also receive club updates more generally as a whole to ensure as a member, you know what the entire club is up to through the season.

It’s time to do your bit and get on the grid. We don’t mind when you enter but like everything else in life, if you do it in good time it makes a big difference to our planning and the end result of a great and well organised Championship and we’d ask you to action your membership and entries ASAP.

We only have 34 spaces per event and if our enquiry list is anything to go by, we may have to create a second grid if they all turn into entries or reject any late comers (if its over subscribed but not enough to split grids) in which case we will favour full season entrants, then single round entrants.

If you need any information before hitting the button, please get in touch with Lee-Anne.